Welcome to the website for the
Jefferson County Republican Men's Club.
Our group meets every Monday from 11:30 until 1PM. Admission is $5 and you can get a great lunch off of the menu. Our goal is to learn about America's History, Heritage, Founding and Freedom Documents; The Declaration of Independence, U. S. Constitution and its incredibly important Bill of Rights.
We also hear from our appointed, hired and elected public officials, and the public policy issues, events and personalities of the day that often so profoundly influence our freedoms, standards of living and quality of life. There are several books we suggest in the reading list that will increase your personal political power, understanding and clout, through increasing your political literacy, and deepening your knowledge of our country's founding and core beliefs. Send an email to president@jrmc2.com if you want to receive our weekly notice about our upcoming speakers. You may also self-register with the form at the bottom of the left column.
Speaker for February 17th is
Christy Fidura

2025 Colorado National
Christy was an Army brat born in Belgium. Her family settled in Colorado and she graduated from Aurora Central High School and Fort Lewis College in Durango. She and her husband have owned a trucking company for over ten years.
In 2018 she joined up with a group of conservatives who were tired of seeing America and Colorado being run into the ground by the progressive left agenda. they formed tlhe Pueblo County Patriots, standing for the US Constitution and our God-given rights. |
Russ' handout for January 27th, 2025
Russ' handout for January 20, 2023
Russ' handout for January 13, 2025
Russ' handout for January 6, 2025
Russ' handout for January 1, 2025
Phil Wagner Is the Constitution perfect?
Phil Wagner on immigration and the constitution
Phil Wagner on "Following the Science"
Phil Wagner on the national debt
Phil Wagner on natural law
American Creed
I am an American. I support the principles of America's Founders, with a steadfast devotion to limited government, lower taxes, individual freedom, and personal responsibility.
I cherish the Declaration of Independence--"all men... are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness" and that "all men are created equal."
I support self-governing people, free enterprise, free markets, a strong national defense, private property, rule of law, and secure borders. I know, love and defend the United States Constitution and its incredibly important Bill of Rights. I pledge to do all within my considerable personal power to protect this land that I love, and its people.
I declare a faithful, "firm reliance on the protection of Divine Providence," and in support of this Creed: "We mutually pledge to each other our lives, our fortunes and our sacred honor."
America's Peace Flag

Did you know that our commonly used American flag is designated as our war flag? A civilian flag was also developed early in our history. Read the fascinating history of this obscure flag here.
Are we going the way of Rome?
Lawrence W. Reed, President, Mackinac Center (now president, Foundation for Economic Education) wrote an essay asking the question "Are we going the way of Rome?" He outlines similarities in the history of Rome and current conditions in the United States. Read it here.
Hosting Schedule:
Sign up for our meeting notices
Let's give our representatives a constant rain of instruction, reproof or praise as dictated by their actions.
Keep up with Colorado News:
National News aggregators:
Alternatives to Google Search:
Thoughtful Opinion Sites:
Useful reference sites:
How the Tea Party can save
by Trevor Louden
Many Tea Partiers and American patriots understand that the fate
of the United States of America hangs in the balance.
No melodrama here. If the US loses its position as the world’s
number one military super power, another country, or countries, will
take its place.
Realistically, that can only be Russia or China, or more likely,
an alliance of Russia, China, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela,
Nicaragua, Vietnam and whoever ever else climbs aboard.
As the U.S. Dollar slowly
sinks and America’s prestige
and power goes with it, the “Evil Axis” grows bolder.
But why should I care? I’m
safe aren’t I? Way down at the
bottom of the South Pacific, in New Zealand.
Well, maybe not so safe. China is steadily advancing through
the Pacific. It now has several footholds in our region, particularly
in Fiji, which is my country’s nearest major island neighbor.
To any thinking Aussie or Kiwi, this is cause for major concern. Read the rest here
This is the meat of the book "The Citizen's Last Stand" as it pertains to the office of Sheriff in most counties of our country. Please download and print off this critical chapter. Read it, then pass it on to a member of the sheriff's office if you know one, or to a neighbor if you don't. Please spread the word.
Hand-outs for Freedom
Fred Holden has prepared several powerful brochures you can print out and hand out to spread the word about our founding documents and our Bill of Rights as citizens.
"Many philosophers have made important contributions to
the discourse on liberty, Bastiat among them. But Frederic Bastiat’s greatest
contribution is that he took the discourse out of the ivory
tower and made ideas on liberty so clear that even the unlettered
can understand them and statists cannot obfuscate them.
Clarity is crucial to persuading our fellowman of the moral superiority
of personal liberty."
Walter E. Williams
Five Basic Republican Principles:
Protect the rights of the individual
Protect the free enterprise system
Reduce government to the lowest practical level
Endorse the practice of fiscal responsibility
Know, protect and strengthen America's magnificent, powerful Freedom Documents:
The Personal Power of a Citizen
We forget sometimes that the government works for us. That means the individuals who work in jobs in government work for us. We have statutory protection from obstruction and bullying by our hired government employees. Read this document for specifics.
Exposition on the preamble to the Constitution
The Preamble
has considerable potency by virtue of its specification of the purposes for which the
Constitution exists. It distills the underlying values that moved the Framers during their
long debates in Philadelphia. As Justice Joseph Story put it in his celebrated
Commentaries on the Constitution of the United States, “its true office is to expound the
nature and extent and application of the powers actually conferred by the Constitution.” Read it here
Lessons from the $2 Bill
The back of the $2 bill is a painting by John Trumbull of many founding fathers called "Declaration of Independence". It was made in 1817 and measures 12 feet tall and 18 feet wide! In the original, Thomas Jefferson is standing on John Adam's foot! They changed that for the engraving for the $2 bill. 42 of the 56 signers of the Declaration of Independence are featured. Use a $2 bill to introduce servers to the richness of American history. Learn how here.